The Magic Fix Does Not Exist

The Magic Fix Does Not Exist  When it comes to building compliance for LL97, everyone is trying to find that magical solution for compliance. We're going to save you the hassle- there is no ONE magical fix, and here's why. Take this scenario where Harry, the building owner, is desperate to get out [...]

Research Team Summer 2021: Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization By: Swara Desai

Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization Introducing Swara Desai who took part in our Building Sustainability Research Team Summer 2021 on the topic of Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization.   Swara D. recently received her masters in architecture from the Spitzer School of Architecture (CUNY) . She appreciates all forms of [...]

Research Team Summer 2021: NYC Solar By: Sam Neiderberger

NYC Solar Introducing Sam Neiderberger who took part in our Building Sustainability Research Team Summer 2021 on the topic of  New York City Solar.   Sam N. is perusing his degree in Environmental Management and Protection in California Polytechnic State University. He is currently taking courses on sustainability implementation methods [...]

Research Team Summer 2021: Geothermal Heat Pump [Functionality, Regulations & Economic Feasibility] By: Luke Gillespie

Geothermal Functionality Regulations + Economic Feasibility Introducing Luke Gillespie who took part in our Building Sustainability Research Team Summer 2021 on the topic of Geothermal Source Heat Pumps; Functionality, Regulations & Economic Feasibility.   Luke G. is a physics major enrolled in Texas Christian University, pursuing a career in aerospace. [...]

Research Team Summer 2021: Ground Source Heat Pumps By: Himesh Patel

Ground Source Heat Pumps NYC   Introducing Himesh Patel who took part in our Building Sustainability Research Team Summer 2021 on the topic of Geothermal Source Heat Pumps.   Himesh P. is an architecture graduate student from New York Institute of Technology and will continue his studies at Colombia University [...]

Research Team Summer 2021: Incentives on Renewable Energy & Sustainability By: Dustin Nguyen

Incentives on Renewable Energy & Sustainability Introducing Dustin Nguyen who took part in our Building Sustainability Research Team Summer 2021 on the topic of Incentives on Renewable Energy & Sustainability. Dustin on track to be an economic analyst. He recently graduated Pace University and will continue his studies at [...]

Research Team Summer 2021: Sustainable Future of Nuclear Energy and its Impact on the Environment BY: Allora Novak

Sustainable Future of Nuclear Energy Introducing Allora Novak who took part in our Building Sustainability Research Team Summer 2021 on the topic of Sustainable Future of Nuclear Energy and its impact on the Environment.   Allora N. is a physics major and astronomy major, currently enrolled in the University of [...]

Research Team Summer 2021: The Breakdown on Carbon Policy By: Aananadita Chowdhury

The Breakdown on Carbon Policy Introducing Aananadita Chowdhury who took part in our Building Sustainability Research Team Summer 2021 on the topic of Carbon Policy Breakdown. Aananadita is our youngest intern, starting her senior year of High School at the Bronx High School of Science this Fall. She has been [...]