Waste Management
Waste Management Presentation By: Farough D. Waste Management Presentation_ Farogh
Waste Management Presentation By: Farough D. Waste Management Presentation_ Farogh
Retrofit Double Hung Windows Presentation created by: Younao H. Retrofit Double Hung- Yonghao
The Evolution of Sustainable Construction By: Emmanuel A. With the construction industry moving towards a zero-carbon future, recycled and sustainable building materials are becoming more and more popular. Around the world and in America, governments are passing stricter construction laws in an attempt to combat the global climate change crisis. [...]
Topic: Know Your Roof Research & Presentation By: Yonghao Hu About: Local Laws like LL92, LL94 & LL21 are changing the roofs of New York City buildings. Cool Roofs I Solar Roofs I Green Roofs I Usable Pedestrian Spaces I Stormwater Management